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Celebrating Rare: The GRIN2B Podcast, Episode 7

By Phil Ash, GRIN2B Foundation Board Member

Hello! This is Phil Ash, teacher, father, Board Member of GRIN2B Foundation, and the host of Celebrating Rare: The GRIN2B Podcast. The COVID-19 Pandemic continued to affect our families and our Foundation in 2021. In spite of its restrictions, we were busy laying the groundwork for three very important initiatives that are all happening in 2022. It only made sense to close out 2021 by reflecting on the year that was, and previewing the exciting things that lay ahead. To that end, I brought on a very special guest for this episode…my wife! Though that’s how I know her, the rest of you all know her as Liz Marfia-Ash, GRIN2B Foundation Founder and President. Liz reflects on the year that was while also discussing our 2022 happenings! These include a clinical trial for patients with gain of function GRIN2B variants, the opening of the first GRI Center of Excellence in Denver, Colorado and previewing our first in-person family weekend since 2018. Note – this episode was filmed in the final days of 2021.

We are so excited to bring these programs to you in this new year, and we need your help and continued support to increase our funding and reach with scientists and researchers! The only way we can do that is for all of us to do the little things, like completing paperwork for GRIN2B patient registries or by hosting fundraisers or family meet ups. No matter how big or small, each of these programs make a difference for all of our families. I hope you enjoy this episode and that you and your family have a happy and healthy new year. As always, if you have comments or suggestions for future topics, or are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please send an email to phil.ash@grin2b.com or send a tweet to @grin2bsyndrome, using the hashtag, #CelebratingRare.

To further protect myself from any unintended mistakes, each episode will have the following written disclaimer when you click on the link:

PODCAST Disclaimer: While I make every effort to broadcast correct information, I am still learning. I make every effort to double check my facts, but realize that medicine is a constantly changing science and art. I am simply sharing my views and personal experiences as a GRIN2B parent. I am not a medical professional. I welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Phillip Ash, GRIN2B Foundation, any guests or contributors to the podcast, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of GRIN2B Foundation be responsible for damages arising from use of the podcast.

Celebrating Rare: The GRIN2B Podcast, Episode 3, Part 1

By Guest Blogger, Phil Ash, GRIN2B Foundation Board Member

Hello! This is Phil Ash, teacher, father, Board Member of the GRIN2B Foundation, and the host of Celebrating Rare: The GRIN2B Podcast. In this episode, the podcast takes a bit of a turn for the better (at least I think). I welcome the first guests to the program. The hope is that most future episodes will feature guests. I want to host both parents and prominent medical professionals so listeners can gain different points of views and perspectives regarding GRIN2B variations. This episode features Brittaney and Mike Crider. Brittaney and Mike are the parents of 7-year-old, Natalie, who was diagnosed with GRIN2B in 2016. Brittaney is also a Founding Board Member for GRIN2B Foundation. The conversation went very well and lasted quite a long time, so I thought it would be prudent to break it up into two parts. In this first part of the episode, Brittaney and Mike discuss who Natalie is as a person, provide their story of how they discovered Natalie’s GRIN2B variation and reflect on how living with a GRIN2B diagnosis has changed them.

Brittaney and Mike Crider at the 1st GRIN2B Foundation Family Conference, September 2018

I should also note that Brittaney and Mike specifically mentioned board President Liz Marfia-Ash’s first article on The Mighty about GRIN2B, and how it helped their family cope with the initial diagnosis. You can read that article here. I hope it will continue to help future families discover our organization and realize they are not alone! We’re here to help and provide support!

Check back in a few days for Part two of my conversation with Brittaney and Mike!

If you have comments or suggestions for future topics, or are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please send an email to phil.ash@grin2b.com or send a tweet to @grin2bsyndrome, using the hashtag, #CelebratingRare.

To further protect myself from any unintended mistakes, each episode will have the following written disclaimer when you click on the link:

PODCAST Disclaimer: While I make every effort to broadcast correct information, I am still learning. I make every effort to double check my facts, but realize that medicine is a constantly changing science and art. I am simply sharing my views and personal experiences as a GRIN2B parent. I am not a medical professional. I welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Phillip Ash, GRIN2B Foundation, any guests or contributors to the podcast, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of GRIN2B Foundation be responsible for damages arising from use of the podcast.