Home » Bee Active for GRIN2B Custom Shirts

Create a customized Bee Active for GRIN2B shirt with your Team Name

1. Create your team shirt at this link. https://www.bonfire.com/…/2nd-annual-bee-active-for…/
2. Hit Customize Now.
3. Add or remove the colors you want for our 3 styles – adult tee, youth tee and adult racerback tank. We suggest keeping your colors simple with white, gray and/or light blue.
4. To add your Team Name, click on the “Show Back” button under the image of the shirt.
5. Click on the “Team Name” text on the back of the shirt.
6. Edit your team name in the text box on the right.
7. Click the next button at the top right.
8. You will be able to adjust the pricing for the shirts. As the profits for these two-sided shirts sales go to GRIN2B Foundation, we kindly suggest you set the following prices: $25 for adult shirts, $26 for racerback tees and $23 for youth shirts.
9. Set the length of your campaign date, making sure you have enough time for your shirts to arrive prior to your Bee Active event.
10. Once your shirt design is ready to go, order your shirts and share your custom shirt link with your friends and family!
11. Need help? Feel free to reach out with any questions! Send us an email at info@grin2b.com.