By Phil Ash, GRIN2B Foundation Board Member

Hello! This is Phil Ash, teacher, father, Board Member of GRIN2B Foundation, and the host of Celebrating Rare: The GRIN2B Podcast. In this episode, we continue to celebrate GRIN Awareness Month and GRIN2B Awareness Week 2020 by having an in-depth conversation with GRIN2B Foundation’s Science Director, Dr. Samuel Kwon. Dr. Kwon joins the podcast to discuss how he came to learn about GRIN2B both as a researcher and as a connected family member. Dr. Kwon is the head of The Kwon Lab at the University of Michigan, where he is currently studying mouse models with GRIN2B variants in order to understand how variations in GRIN2B impact the neural circuit for motor function. Not sure what that means? Neither was I! Check out the podcast to hear Sam break down his research and to offer his opinions on what aspects of GRIN2B-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder should be researched and studied.
I hope you enjoy this episode, and be on the lookout for future episodes this year featuring additional parents, researchers and doctors. As always, if you have comments or suggestions for future topics, or are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please send an email to or send a tweet to @grin2bsyndrome, using the hashtag, #CelebratingRare.
To further protect myself from any unintended mistakes, each episode will have the following written disclaimer when you click on the link:
PODCAST Disclaimer: While I make every effort to broadcast correct information, I am still learning. I make every effort to double check my facts, but realize that medicine is a constantly changing science and art. I am simply sharing my views and personal experiences as a GRIN2B parent. I am not a medical professional. I welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Phillip Ash, GRIN2B Foundation, any guests or contributors to the podcast, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of GRIN2B Foundation be responsible for damages arising from use of the podcast.